
How To Make A 450-Word Article In 30 Minutes

>> Friday, February 24, 2012

It is quite easy to create articles. If you happen to be a wide reader and the topic appeals to you, or you just happen to know a lot about the subject, you can just fire away and write about what you know.
But what if you happen to be clueless about the subject? Or you are like some people, who may even be experts in their field, but have difficulty creating some sort of quick documentation describing their profession? Here are some short tips in creating your composition and make sure they would reach 450 words.
·         Do Quick Research
This may take a few seconds if you already mastered the subject, but may take quite a while when you have no idea what the topic is about. Google and Wikipedia are great starters for information gathering. Be wary of copying and pasting articles as these are illegal. This is called plagiarism.
·         Decide Which Items You Want To Focus On
If you have been bombarded by tons of information you found while doing some quick online research, try narrowing your choices down. Choose the juiciest and most interesting parts as these are going to make your articles fun to read, which are therefore, more appealing to your readers.
·         Choose A Software Where You Can Create Your Manuscripts On
The most common choice would be Microsoft Word. The number of words you typed is displayed in the lower left hand portion of the screen. This will tell you how far you are from the 450 word limit. Other choice would be OpenOffice and Wordpad.
Also, remember to run Spell Check and review your grammar before turning in your manuscript.
·         Create Headers and Sub Headers
Next, break your composition into headers, or mini chapters. This means classifying the information you have into several different categories. This way, your articles would appear more organized and the flow of thought would go smoothly.
This article is an example of how information has been broken down into headers. Notice the bullets and how they make the headers look more organized and professional.
·         Describe Each Heading on Your Layout
The last part would be to create descriptions on the headers you have classified. Other writers try to allot specific number of words per header. For example, they would need to write a 450 word article. They would break it down as follows:
    • Introduction: 50 words
    • Header 1: 100 words
    • Header 2: 100 words
    • Header 3 100 words
    • Conclusion: 100 words

This is just a handy dandy guide to easily creating your article in under 30 minutes. As you create more and more articles you will find newer or better techniques in composing them. 


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