
The Internet and You

>> Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We are the Internet. The humanity is the essence of the World Wide Web. The moment the Internet comes into reality, the term virtual comes into picture. In the early 20's the famous terms were virtual chat, virtual machines or even virtual sex. Time has been conquered that we can travel through virtual realities.

As we navigate or browse through our computers each morning, as we check our incoming e-mail messages and as we check out the status of our close friends we put some essence into the web. The "spiders" (the terms used to mean the bots used by search engines) will look into each of this activity and compile it, index it if possible.

What does this means to you? This means that as long as you are in the internet and as long as the websites that you are in allow those robots or spiders to go into your profile, no matter how many times you click the lock button in your personal profile, it is still public. We are the web and each one of us are spiders making our personal web the moment we interact in the internet.


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